US Chamber of Commerce
Woman-Owned Business: Dream Big (2020)

Judge’s Choice
- Judge’s Choice: Alabama State Port Authority Videos (2020)
- Judge’s Choice: The Camelia Company, Logo Design (2016)
Gold Addy
- Gold: The Camelia Company Logo, Elements of Advertising (2016)
Silver Addy
- Silver Addy: Port of Mobile Branding Campaign (2023)
- Silver Addy: Port of Mobile Campaign Elements (2023)
- Silver Addy: Agency Reel (2023)
- Silver Addy: USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute, Breast Cancer Campaign (2022)
- Silver: The Noble South Rebrand, Collateral Material Stationery Package (2012)
- Tim Cook Award Public Relations Accolade (2024)
- Bettie Hudgen Memorial Service Award- Sarah Grube (2024)
Lantern Award
- Baldwin Co. Eco. Dev. Alliance, BIQ Newsletter (2015)
- Yellow Day the Movie Premiere (2015)
- Just Breathe Focus Groups, Qualitative Research (2012)
Award of Excellence
- Novelis Groundbreaking (2023)
- Alabama Port Authority Website (2023)
- Alabama Port Authority Integrated Communications Campaign (2023)
- USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Campaign (2023)
- Children’s of Alabama Boots and BBQ Barn Bash (2017)
- Seafood, Science, and Celebrity (2015)
- JJ Eyes Logo (2015)
- Thyssen Krupp USA, Grand Opening (2011)
Award of Merit
- Alabama Port Authority Branding (2023)
Hall of Fame
Jennifer Jenkins, APR (2023)
Best of Show
- Alabama Port Authority Website (2022)
- Haint Blue Brewing Company, Public Relations (2016)
- Gulf Coast Cancer Centers MC Plan, Total PR Program, Sullivan St. Clair Marketing/PR (2007)
Judge’s Choice
- Novelis Groundbreaking (2022)
- Children’s of Alabama, Tee Off Fore a Cure (2015)
Diamond Award
- Jennifer G. Jenkins, APR (2007)
Medallion Awards
- ACCEL Recruitment Campaign (2023)
- Eagle Reef Press Conference (2023)
- USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute Breast Cancer Campaign (2022)
- Alabama Port Authority Website (2022)
- Novelis Groundbreaking (2022)
- Alligator Alley, Social Media and E-newsletter Content Strategy (2020)
- Haint Blue Brewing Company, Public Relations (2016)
- Award of Merit: BCEDA Newsletter (2015)
- Medallion Awards: Children’s of Alabama, Tee Off Fore a Cure (2015)
Award of Excellence
- USAMCI Monarch Event Media Kit (2023)
- Kind Cafe Communications Audit (2023)
- MCHD Family Health Campaign (2023)
- Alabama Port Authority Branding (2022)
- Alabama Port Authority Integrated Communications Campaign (2022)
- Ship Maitre, DMD., Social Media Campaign (2020)
- Yellow Day Movie Premiere (2015)
- Gulf Coast Cancer Centers Calypso Launch, Special PR Program, Long-term budget $25,000+ (2012)
- Just Breathe Campaign Qualitative Research (2012)
Award of Merit
- USAMCI Monarch Event (2023)
- PartnerCare Booklet (2022)
- Children’s of Alabama, Boots and BBQ Barn Bash (2016)
- BCEDA Investor Booklet (2016)
- Innovation Portal, Marketing (2016)
Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce
Finalist: Small Business of the Year (2020)