Brand Rollout

After many years with one logo, the Alabama Port Authority sought a new family of brand iconography that reflects its dual mission. Around the world the Port of Mobile is recognized for its cargo diversity, efficiency, business-friendly service and connectivity and is one of the leading ports in the nation. The new brand was conceived as a way to highlight the capabilities and connectivity at one of the nation’s largest deepwater seaports. In addition to the new brand, a new website and creative campaign were launched as part of the brand rollout. 




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Brand and Logo Development

The Alabama Port Authority is critical to the success of the state of Alabama with an excellent reputation among shippers and other integral members within the nation’s supply chain. We endeavored to update the brand to be reflective of that reputation. Primary research included interviews with leadership and staff to dive deeper into the everyday operations of the port. These interviews were not only important to understand the port’s diverse capabilities so they could be reflected in the brand, but also instrumental to creating a comprehensive new website. Competitive analysis and brand research was crucial to the process of rebranding the institution. Secondary research included an environmental scan of ports with outstanding reputations from all over the world, including direct competitors as well as other manufacturing and supply chain partners. 


In addition to rebranding, the Alabama Port Authority needed an updated website. The agency conducted interviews and workshops to ensure the content on the site reflected the overall mission. The content gathered also provided insight into how we crafted the user journey. Featuring large and sleek visuals of the ports diverse capabilities and people, the site is a colorful and informative journey through all the Port of Mobile offers. Within a month of launching the port’s new website in 2022, site visitors spiked to more than 34,000 new users with an average engagement rate of 1.5 minutes. Overall from launch to September 2022, new users have totaled more than 216,000, and maintained an average monthly engagement rate of 1.5 minutes.

Advertising Campaign

Part of JJPR’s work with the brand overhaul and website design involved a new, comprehensive advertising campaign that has yielded impressive metrics. Using simplified and direct service line messaging surrounding the diverse capabilities of the port, it’s connectivity and turn around times, as well as the port’s economic impact throughout the state, the visually appealing and simply designed campaign stands out among competitors. The digital campaign has resulted in more than 4.4M impressions and more than 34,000 clicks with an average .77% click through rate. Click the QR code to review more campaign designs and metrics.


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