Formerly known as the Baldwin County Solid Waste Department, the department officially broke away from the Baldwin County Commission during the first quarter of 2023 and became a standalone organization, renaming itself as the Solid Waste Disposal Authority of Baldwin County, Alabama, Inc. (SWDA).
Seeking a new brand identity to separate the organization and signify their departure from the County, SWDA reached out to JJPR Agency for help developing their new look and aiming for the future.

Brand and Logo Development
The brand identity is an element that could encompass all branches SWDA oversees across the whole county – some of those including garbage pickup, transfer stations and landfill sites, other recycling facilities, gas plants, and environmental education and STEM learning centers while keeping in mind other future expansions. Another “must” for the brand identity was to convey the client’s business objectives to its customers, residents of Baldwin County, to opt into their services.
While the branding was designed to set the organization apart from their previous alliance, the brand colors and logo mark were chosen to be harmonious for use in partnerships with all Baldwin city municipalities and county organizations. The new branding was built to be seen across business collateral, including garbage trucks, billings, signage/banners, company clothing and promotional marketing items.

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